Monday, February 7, 2011

Krummi (Raven)

Well how are we all this lovely Monday morning?  
Did you enjoy your weekend?
Mine was just great....I spent it with some of my closest friends and I loved it.
I'm not sure if you know this, but I have been importing the beautiful
Raven hanger
into the UK from Iceland and have been working
hard to get the product stocked in the UK.
My efforts have really paid off as they are now in
many Scandinavian/home interior stores and also in the
past couple of weeks we launched in
Of course I am very happy with that as I think it is
probably the best store in London and maybe even the world.
The Raven is an iconic design piece in Iceland and is prevalent
in stores all over Scandinavia and Europe..Ingibjörg is exhibiting at the
Stockholm Furniture Fair (with the Ravens and other products),
so if you are there, pop over and say hello!
My aim is to have the Raven in every Scandinavian/home 
accessory store in the UK, so if you are a UK retailer
looking for an iconic new product, please get in touch ♡

Available at:
Please enquire for stockists


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